Acupuncture is all the rage these days with everyone from your mother to your favorite celebrity embracing this pointy remedy. However, it’s not all mind over matter; there have been numerous studies that prove the veracity of acupuncture and related studies. One such tool, known as ear seeds, is similar to acupuncture but it focuses entirely on pressure points in the ears. Read on to find out more about this strange secret and what it can do for your waistline.
3 Reasons to Use an Acupressure Mat and How to Do It
Acupressure seems to be the most recent craze in the world of acupuncture, reflexology, meditation, and other alternative wellness remedies. However, this practice has actually been around for thousands of years in China and India, and only the recent popularity of the uber-convenient acupressure mat has caused it to gain traction in more western settings. So what exactly is an acupressure mat and how can you use it safely and effectively right from home?